This is the complete, uncut, M3 RDC Initialization Button wire removed from a LHD E46 M3 chassis harness that was being thinned for a racecar. This wire can be added to a M3 non-M E46 while retrofitting a RDC setup*.
This loose wire has the appropriate pins crimped and will go between the X6011, 8-pin, Black, Engine Plug I connector, and the X1869, 23-pin, Black/Brown connector of the A169 – Switch Center.
Wiring Details:
- 0.50mm² Yellow/Black – X6011-8 to X1869-2
* We are only providing this wire that needs to be added to the chassis harness for the RDC Initialization Button, please do your own research on how to complete this retrofit.
– If there is more demand for this wire harness than we can salvage from stock harnesses we will build it from scratch at a slightly higher price.
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